Really, I just love to dance. In addition to being a former dancer at Walt Disney World, I've been clogging for over 35 years, having started in 1986 in a summer camp program. Less than a year after my first clogging class, I began performing with the Indian River Cloggers. While with Indian River, I became the instructor for the Shuttle Shufflin’ Cloggers, guest instructor for Harbor City Cloggers, performed on television for the Disney Easter and Christmas parades with the Orlando Cloggers, and choreographed and taught both privately and for local theater shows. I also became a Florida Clogging Council (FCC) certified instructor and taught at the FCC State Convention numerous times, as well as other workshops around the state.
After many years, I moved on from Indian River and founded the Speed City Cloggers in Ormond Beach, FL. As choreographer and instructor for Speed City, I taught my own routines at the Florida Clogging Council State Clogging Convention, the Sunshine State Jamboree, the Florida Clogging Festival, Florida Clogging Workshop at Sea World, and numerous other workshops in and out of Florida. I also became the webmaster for the Florida Clogging Council and redeveloped the entire website, creating an all-new online experience for Florida cloggers, including online membership purchase options, as well as online convention registration. I also created a web presence for Clogging Exchange, which was originally intended to be a nationwide online place for cloggers to post and discuss trades for things such as clogging performance outfits their groups no longer wore or gently used clogging shoes, or convention decor... But that didn't work out. So I switched it over to an instructor exchange idea. There was some interest in that, but again, it really never took off. So now it's solely a Facebook page to keep folks abreast of interesting activities or happenings or just fun info about cloggers from around the U.S. and other countries. I think Clogging Exchange has finally settled into it's own space now.
Now that I have relocated to Kentucky, I enjoy dancing with the Lake Cumberland Cloggers in Somerset. I'm continuing to teach out of state, as well. This year, I will have taught in Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, and Florida.
Like I said, I really do love clogging. I am very fortunate to have the ability to create fun routines and have been able to teach some of them in Florida and several other states. Many of my routines from over the years can be found HERE. I wish I had videos for all of them, but alas I do not.
Where I've been and where I'm going:
Upcoming teaching schedule:
Let's Dance: Clogging Fun Day
Lakeland, FL
March 16, 2024
Merritt Island, FL
Apr. 26-27, 2024